Telmec Radio Frequency Filtering Systems

We develop radio frequency filtering systems for Air Traffic Control applications.

Why Telmec

About Us -Telmec

Telmec Company

TELMEC develops and manufactures systems and components needed to operate frequency crowded radio sites with no interferences.

TELMEC mission is to give filtering and combining solutions and solve problems in the radio communications sites.

Filters and Combiners for ATC

Telmec Products

Telmec Products

Groups of transmitters and receivers at a base station are coupled into a single antenna with a multicoupling network thus greatly improving station efficiency.

By providing appropriate filters we achieve a high degrree of isolation between transmitter and receiver thus obtaining the required selectivity with low insertion loss.

Do you want know more about us ?

Telmec team is ready and glad to answer to yours questions.

Telmec News


atm_congressTELMEC is proud to announce its presence to WORLD ATM CONGRESS in Madrid Spain 2016 08-10 March 2016.


Programma operativo regionale crescita e occupazioneProgramma Operativo Regionale Crescita e Ocuupazione.

TELMEC Soc. Coop. a r.l. Project “Small Tune” financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014 ’acquisizione di Servizi Innovativi Linea 1.3B.

Global ATC China 2014

China ATC Global 2014Telmec is proud to announce its presence to ATC Global 2014.

© Copyright Telmec Soc. Coop a r.l Via A. Meucci, 8 - 50012 Grassina – Florence Italy :: P.IVA 05012270483