• 080 rectangular cavity

    Double cavity window coupled band pass filter in the 112-157 VHF range can be allocated in one half 2 unit 19” cabinet...

  • 085 rectangular cavity

    Double cavity window coupled band pass filter the VHF range can be allocated in one half 2 unit 19” cabinet...

  • 120 rectangular cavity

    Single or double cavity band pass filters up to 4 channels in the VHF range can be allocated in one 3 unit 19” cabinet...

  • 165 rectangular cavity

    Single, up to 2 channels, or double cavity band pass filters in the VHF range can be allocated in one 4 unit 19” cabinet...

  • 165 rectangular cavity non telescopic

    This filter has the same electrical performance of the telescopic version, with adjustable insertion loss and mechanical knob for frequency tuning...

  • 180 rectangular cavity

    Single, up to 2 channels, or double cavity band pass filters in the VHF range can be allocated in one 4 unit 19” cabinet...

  • 210 square cavity

    Single, up to 2 channels,or double cavity band pass filters up to 2 channels in the VHF range can be allocated in one 5 unit 19” cabinet...

  • 210 cavity window coupled

    Double cavity band pass filter in the VHF range can be allocated in one 5 unit 19” cabinet. Frequency tuning and insertion loss can be regulated through rotating loops and mechanical knobs. The window coupling is adjusted through a rotating central knob.

  • 280 rectangular cavity

    Single cavity band pass filter - single channel in the VHF range can be allocatedin one 5 unit 19” cabinet...

  • 100 round cavity

    Single or double cavity filters are implemented using 100 round cavities in the VHF range...